Using Scoutbook

ScoutBook is a web-based application built for scouting units and the first that I’ve seen that works well on smart phones, tablets and desktop. Among its features it tracks advancement of scouts allowing parents and connected scouts informed on what’s accomplished and what’s next. An email function to keep members informed and an events calendar allowing members to respond to invites.

Getting Started

As a member of Troop 69, you should have received an invite to join ScoutBook. If not, contact one of the leaders to assist you.

Follow the instructions in the invite to log in the first time. If you forgot your password, use the forgot password feature.

You can also add ScoutBook as an icon on your phone. Look for “Add to Home Screen” button. This should be available for iOS and Android devices. (screenshot)

Getting your Scout Started

Important. Scouts may only be given permission to use ScoutBook by their parents. To do so, go to your dashboard, then open the profile for your scout. At the bottom of his profile, there’s a button labeled, “Invite {scout’s name} to Connect”. Press this button will send an email to your son getting him started.

For more help, check this helpful guide from Scoutbook, How do I give my Scout access to his account?